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Sunday, January 30, 2011

How to Make Pop Up Ads (Float)

Sometimes we are often distracted by the pop-up ads that are always followed and often too close article we are reading. So we are forced to pup-up ads have to close it. But for our publishers with a window pop up ads, ads that we can more effectively and certainly can add to our earnings. Because visitors would be drawn to pop up ads and will automatically read and if the visitors would also be interested in clicking on our ads. Here is the code to make a window pop up:

<style type="text/css"> # Topbar { position: absolute; top: 600px; left: 600px; border: 3px # 00FF00; padding: 2px; background-color: black; width: 620px; visibility: hidden; z-index: 100; } </ Style> src="http://h1.ripway.com/icalcell/js_pop_up.js" <script type="text/javascript"> </ Script>
<div <div id="topbar"> <div align="right"> <A href = "http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=1453192652207759211&postID=8914276392810872796" onclick = "closebar (); return false" style = "color: gray; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; "> <button> Close </ button> </

a> </ div> <a href="" style="color: grey; font-weight: bold;"> </ A> <a href="" style="color: grey; font-weight: title="cara bold;" easily get money from internet"> </ A> <a href="" style="color: grey; font-weight: title="cara bold;" easily get money from internet"> </ A> <a href="" style="color: red; font-weight: title="cara bold;" easily get money from internet"> Test your luck with an ad just click </ a>

<center> src="http://kumpulblogger.com/scahor.php?b=109591" <script type="text/javascript">
</ Script> </ Center>
widget by <a href="http://infonafcom.blogspot.com/"> ical </ a> </ div> </ Div>
* Color code red: you replace with your ad html code * Code (top: 600px; and left: 600px;) to adjust the position of the pop-up window

Source http://www.infonafcom.co.cc/2010/04/cara-membuat-iklan-pop-up-melayang.html

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